MAS:System Requirements

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Server requirements

  • apache
  • Linux OS
  • mysql 5.x or MariaDB
  • php 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 7.0 - 7.2
  • ionCube Loader (latest compatible with the installed php version)
  • Image::Magick 6.x + with JPEG support (convert, composite as binaries, php library functions not required)
  • tar, gzip (from shell only)
  • zip (as binary) - required only if you want to use the automated create-zip-from-gallery function in MAS
  • ffmpeg, flvtool2, qt-faststart binaries (optional, required by the Video Manager module). (the latest stable release available for the OS but not older than FFmpeg 0.9 and x264 core 118)

PHP settings

  • php libraries required: GD2.x with JPEG and TrueTypeFont support, CURL, PCRE, mbstring
  • MAS needs to have permissions to execute shell commands through php code (i.e. exec(); system(); passthru() must be allowed). Running of php scripts through the php executable (CLI) is also required.
  • php must be installed as CLI too (same settings)
  • safe mode = off (deprecated in php 5.3+)
  • magic_quotes_gpc = off (deprecated in php 5.3+)
  • allow_url_fopen = off (not required but highly recommended for security reasons).
  • register_globals = off (not required but highly recommended for security reasons).
  • php_short_open_tag = on
  • sessions support
  • error_reporting must be set to not display notices (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) or disabled at all.
  • if there are open_basedir restrictions in effect, then the parent directory of the document root selected for the MAS installation must be allowed as a master value - for the MAS subdomain and for every other domain on the server which would be powered by MAS.
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